Warning, contains adult sexual content. This is the blog of my busy married student life and the sex and adventures my busty wife and I get into.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Ok I've got something I need to get off of my chest and this is about the only place I can do this. Why is it that when someone tells its fine to do something, then you do it, they get on your case over it?!? What the hell!!! I've got a friend from college that I haven't had a chance to see in quite sometime who's going through a bad break up and she invited me to lunch. Not wanting to be a bad husband I make sure the wife is fine with it. She of course says she has no problems with it. So I go, we have lunch, I put my phone on silent to not be rude and have a great time. We just talked about everything that's going on in our lives, such as her bad break up and my being accepted into pharmacy schoo, and we even talk about the wife! Well I get a couple of text messages but don't want to be rude so I don't check them, figure if something is important then they'll at least call me. Lo and behold, it was the wife and she's mad I'm ignoring her. I'M AT LUNCH WITH A FRIEND. It wasn't an emergency, she's just mad that I'm not texting her back. She's jealous. What the hell am I supposed to do? Drop everything for her just to talk? If there's no emergency I'm not going to drop everything and be rude. This is a good friend whom I haven't seen in quite sometime and I'm having a good time. And I am not the type of person who wants to be holding two conversations at once, that's rude. So let me ask my readers a question, what would you have done and what would you do in this situation? Did I do anything wrong?

Now that that's out of the way, I'm blown away that almost 100 people have visited my site and it's been less than a week! Thank you everyone! I know this isn't the post you all wanted but it's what is going on right about now. I will publish how the night after the pleasure party went, just not now. I must get ready for a dinner with the wife that I'm sure will be interesting. At least I won't be the only one there. To leave on a good sexy note, the wife did buy something but won't be here for some time. There were some games played, and now most of ladies that went to the party know that we've had a threesome and there were quite a few questions. And there was some very good intimate time that night as well. I will be sure to post about that the next time I have a chance. Have fun and thank you all again. Keep reading!

1 comment:

hot husband and hot wife said...

Women may say it's ok, but really we're still jealous, especially when you don't answer your phone....next time pick up and tell her how you were just saying how beautiful she is :)
Hot Wife